Broadcastify Help Center

How to become a feed provider

Broadcastify Support
Broadcastify Support
  • Updated

Getting Started

If you are interested in providing an audio feed to you need the following items:

  • A radio pre-programmed that is dedicated to a broadcast feed.
  • A computer with a sound card dedicated to providing an audio feed that can remain online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, preferably on an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). 
  • A stable broadband internet connection that is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • An audio cable to connect your radio to your sound card.
  • A software package that we provide that broadcasts your radio to
  • An approved audio feed application (see below)

Note: While you can provide a less than 24/7 feed, best is you do if you can. Otherwise you run the risk of your feed being superseded by another feed that can provide better feed up time.

See here for:

If you do not have a broadcastify account, you can register for one here:


Applying to Broadcast a Feed


All feeds on must be approved by our audio administration team.

Before you decide to become a feed provider, please read the entire article for various policy and procedure guidelines. Following these feed request guidelines as this will help us process and approve your feed request in a timely manner. A feed request lacking a good feed description and other information may result in us having to go back to you asking for more information, clarification of what you what to stream, etc. This will result in a delay in approving your feed application or denial of the stream application.

Your feed description

NOTE: Frequency/TG/Channels information is required in the additional details page. Not providing this information WILL result in feed processing delays or feed DENIAL.

Here is a description of a Good feed descriptions: (We like to keep them short as possible)

    • Gwinnett County Public Safety
    • Boone County Fire/EMS
    • Gwinnett City Police
    • Maricopa County Law Enforcement
    • Fargo-Dilworth BNSF Railroad
    • Dubuque area Marine and Railroad
    • Santa Cruz County and Monterrey Bay Area Amateur Repeaters
    • W4DSI 441.8125 MHz D-STAR Repeater
    • Sanford Police

Avoid duplicate feeds

Please check the existing county listings in your state before you decide to become a feed provider. Look at what is already there because we want to avoid complete duplication of existing feeds.

If there is an existing stream in your county for “Home County Sheriff and Fire”, please do not request another matching feed. However you could request a feed for “Home City Police and Fire (also includes Home County Sheriff and Fire). This is at least a different feed.

Review other feed listings

Please look at the many other feed listings and what others are scanning. This will aid you in choosing what to scan and how to list it.

Use proper spelling etiquette and sentence structure

Nothing would look more embarrassing than having a feed description with incorrect grammar.

PLEASE follow these guidelines when submitting a feed application or replying to Audio Admins:

  • Pay attention to your Spelling, Punctuation, and Capitalization. Please use proper sentence structure in all correspondence.
  • Use proper sentence structure and do not submit feed requests in either all upper or lower case.
  • If we send you an e-mail asking you for more feed information, use the "Reply" feature. Please do not send the requested information in a separate e-mail. Please include the requested info in the body of the replied e-mail. Please do not change or modify the subject line or the e-mail body. Please do not reply in all upper or all lower case. Please do send a separate e-mail or PM with the requested info. Please do not send or include attachments, screen shots, etc. unless requested. Please do not refer to another site with a URL or other means with the requested info. Please do not submit another new feed application during this process.

Include details in the feed information page

Please include the following in your feed information page:

  • List all agencies on the feed.
  • List the Frequencies/Talkgroups/Channels the agencies use.

Note: The more info you provide the faster your feed will be approved.

This feed includes:
Home County Sheriff 455.555Mhz
Wayback Police 455.565Mhz
Home County Fire 453.250
Hopeless City EMS 155.565Mhz
WA6FTL 147.550 Mhz Home County ARES Repeater

Submitting the Application

Our feed provider application can be found on your "My Broadcasts" dropdown menu on Your Broadcastify Account details page:

When you apply, you will be prompted to accept RadioReference's audio feed broadcaster Terms of Service which specifies what you are and are not allowed to broadcast. If a feed provider violates those Terms of Service, RadioReference reserves the right to immediately terminate the broadcast feed.

Additionally, as part of the feed broadcast application process, it is extremely important that you provide as much detail as possible about your feed in your audio feed application in the applicable entry fields. Otherwise, you risk having your application rejected and deleted.

Technical Details

Providing a live audio feed does not require a dedicated computer - you can use the computer you normally use as long as you leave it running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to broadcast your feed.

Additionally, providing a scanner feed will not slow down your Internet connection - the digitized audio that is sent to our servers uses only a fraction of the upload portion of your connection... the part of your connection which you use very little of anyways. Providing a scanner feed will use approximately 5GB of bandwidth per month.

Our audio feeds are encoded at a sample rate of 22050 Hz, a constant bitrate of 16 or 32 kbps, and either 1 or 2 channels depending on whether the feed is mono or stereo (stereo is used only if two radios are being used to provide the audio).

The software that we provide to each RadioReference feed broadcaster is ScannerCast. You can view the setup instructions and download links for ScannerCast here:

Broadcastify ScannerCast


Benefits of Being a Feed Provider

There is a significant set of benefits available to you when you provide an approved audio feed to When you provide a feed to Broadcastify you receive:

  • A solid, scalable broadcast platform designed to support tens of thousands of listeners per feed.
  • An audience of over 500,000 registered Broadcastify members and tens of millions of smartphone users.
  • Access to detailed charts and statistics about your feed, including listeners per hour, uptime, and max listeners.
  • A full 365 day archive of all of your feed's content split into 30 minute mp3 file chunks and readily available for download.
  • Active promotion of your feed to the Broadcastify and social media community when something newsworthy occurs on your feed.
  • A lot of grateful listeners and a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart.

Official Feeds Broadcasted by Public Safety Agencies

If you are representing a public safety agency that is interested in providing your communications as a feed on, please see follow the process on this page to get started broadcasting.

Those agencies that want their feeds marked as being officially broadcast by the agency should follow the instructions on our official feeds information page:

Broadcastify Official Feeds


Feed Provider Terms of Service

We've reviewed this before but want to make this clear: there are restrictions on broadcast content that all feed providers must adhere to. They are listed on the feed provider terms of service page:

Feed Provider Terms of Service

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