The following feed description guidelines are used when approving new feeds or making description changes for providers:
Don’t prefix feed names with “City of”, "Town of" or “County of”.
Only include “City” or “Town” in a description if it’s part of a city’s official name (such as “Daly City”) or when a city and the county it’s contained in have the same name (for example, this would apply for the city of San Mateo which is in San Mateo County).
A description like “San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office” should be changed to “San Mateo County Sheriff” (replace “Sheriff’s Office” with just “Sheriff”).
“Police Department” or “Fire Department” should be changed to just “Police” or just “Fire”.
In most cases, descriptions should not contain abbreviations (such as PD, FD, PS, etc). Exceptions would be MHz, ARES, EMS, USFS, and similar.
State names should not be included in descriptions except for feeds which contain state agencies or when two cities, with the same name, exist on two sides of a state line (such as Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas).
- A description should contain "Public Safety" or "Emergency Services" (such as "Springfield County Public Safety") only if the feed includes several different / all or the majority of public safety agencies for the city/county named (not just a single police or fire department). In this case, the secondary description and feed information page should summarize the different agencies that are on the feed.
- A description like "Springfield Police and Springfield Fire" should be changed to "Springfield Police and Fire" when possible.
- When a feed contains agencies from two or more counties, use a description like "xxx and yyy County Police" or "xxx, yyy, and zzz Counties Public Safety".
- When capitalizing words in descriptions, use the standard rules that apply to titles (see for information).
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